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蒜頭 6粒

乾蔥 4粒

迷迭香 少許 (10片葉)

綿羊芝士 25克

清酒 20克

意大利粉 200克


1. 乾蔥,蒜頭,迷迭香切粒,備用。

2. 綿羊芝士磨幼絲。

3. 一邊煮一大鍋熱水,約 1.5公升,加 1.5湯匙鹽。水滾加入意大利粉。

4. 另一邊以低中火預熱平底鑊,加入少許橄欖油,熱嘅時候加入乾蔥,炒至半透明(約四分鐘),加入蒜蓉炒香(約三分鐘)。

5. 加入清酒,拌勻然後熄火。

6. 同時意大利粉大約都已經煮熟,就可以撈起然後放入平底鑊度拌勻,加埋芝士。如果太乾,就可以加兩至三湯匙煮麵水,拌勻就可以灑上迷迭香碎上碟。

Caramelized shallots & Garlic Pasta with Pecorino Romano


Garlic 6 cloves

Shallots 4 pieces

Rosemary garnish

Pecorino Romano 25g

Sake 20g

Pasta 200g


1. Chop shallots, garlic and rosemary separately.

2. Grate Pecorino Romano with a microplane.

3. Bring 1.5L water to a boil, add 1.5 Tbsp salt and add the pasta. Cook until 2 minutes shy of the package direction.

4. Heat a frying pan on medium low heat, add a dash of olive oil. When hot, add shallots and let it cook till it’s translucent (approximately 4 minutes), stir constantly, add chopped garlic and cook until fragrant (about 3 minutes).

5. Add sake to deglaze the pan and add your cooked pasta using thongs.

6. In goes all the grated pecorino romano. If it’s too dry, just add a little bit of the pasta water.

7. Plate it and sprinkle with chopped rosemary.


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